Admission Process

We welcome families and students from every stage of their education to be a part of our learning community. Our dedicated admissions team will ensure a smooth and easy admissions process for you as per your requirements.

AICS is pleased to announce that registrations for the 2024-25 academic year are now open for students from FS1 (age 3 years) through to Year 9 (age 13 years)

Application Process

To begin the admission process fill up the online enquiry form here or under the home page of Apple International Community School. Complete the Online Student Enquiry & Registration. Once you complete the enquiry form, you will receive an acknowledgement with an online reference number and advice on the following steps.

Parents should pay an Application Fee of AED 525/- (inclusive of VAT) online or by visiting the school to initiate the registration.

This fee is:

  • Refundable if the school does not offer the student a place.
  • Non-refundable if the school offers the student a place but the student chooses not to take it.
  • Not deductible from the total tuition fees to be paid if the student is offered and accepts a place.

Parents are required to provide the listed documents to complete the application. Please note you are requested to upload the documents online. Due to the large volume of applications we receive daily, we will not be able to accept these documents through email.

The child’s previous school reports will be reviewed, followed by arranging an interview and a written assessment (when required).

Required Documents:

  • Passport (Copies for child, father and mother)
  • Residency visa page (Copies for child, father and mother – when available)
  • Emirates ID card back & front (Copies for child, father and mother- when available)
  • Copy of your child’s birth certificate in English (if in Arabic, please provide translated to English)
  • Recent passport size photograph of your child
  • Copies of your child’s last 2 years’ school reports for children entering Year 1 and above, last 2 years’ school reports and CAT 4 report for children entering Year 3 and above
  • Additional reports if your child has any additional needs (IEPs, therapy reports, psychologist reports)
  • Submit updated child’s immunisation card.
  • Transfer certificate or previous schools’ leaving certificate. (original will be required on or before your child’s first day at the school, if your child is accepted into Apple International Community School)
  • DHA Form (Click Here to download the From-EN)
  • DHA Form (Click Here to download the From-AR)

The above supporting documents are the minimum mandatory requirement to process your application.

Your child will be invited by the School Registrar for an assessment or for an interview (when appropriate and if necessary) via email notification or phone.
CAT4 / Written Assessments (when required) or the previous school report / CAT4 review will be evaluated.

Results will be notified via email or by phone.

Alternatives to an On Campus Visit Schedule a 1-on-1 Virtual Meeting  with our Admissions Officer. Schedule a time slot for a call back or a virtual meeting with our Admissions representatives to assist and guide you through your child’s admissions journey. The virtual meeting will be through Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

Admission Officer will be sending confirmation letters to successful applicants, subject to seat availability.

Payment of Registration deposit which is 10% of the total tuition fees (non-refundable, non-transferrable) in cash or through credit card and is deductible from the tuition fees for the academic year. This is a non-refundable deposit.

After the above process, the student is officially enrolled.

The tuition fee is payable at the beginning of each term and is payable in 3 terms.

The seat confirmation fee is payable after the student has been offered a place and parents have accepted the offer. Once the seat is confirmed, parents are requested to pay the 1st term tuition fee along with the annual fee, within 10 working days of confirmation. If the fee is not paid within 10 working days, the admission will be moved to the waiting list and may only be available by turn. There maybe additional documents required at this stage and this will be informed to you, if applicable. It is important to note that admissions at this stage is subject to approval from the KHDA, where a routine document check is done. Subsequent to this admission will be regularized. Once the above process is completed student is officially enrolled.

Age requirements guidelines

AICS places students in age-appropriate grade levels in accordance with the Ministry of Education/KHDA regulations.

Families are encouraged to use the country comparison chart below to ensure that they are applying to the correct grade level, taking into account the differences that exist in the naming of “grades” around the world.

If there are questions about the correct grade-level placement, please contact the Admission Team. Please note the new KHDA  regulations for FS1/FS2 applications September 2023/24 and the changes of age requirements: Click Here

Age Criteria

Age as of August 31 of each school year Year
3 years old FS1 (Nursery)
4 years old FS2 (Reception)
5 years old 1
6 years old 2
7 years old 3
8 years old 4
9 years old 5
10 years old 6
11 years old 7
12 years old 8
13 years old 9

Transfer Certificate Guidelines:

Transfer certificate must be on official school letterhead and must contain the below information:

  • Full name of student
  • Date of birth
  • Enrolment date and the year group when the child first started at the current school
  1. Present class
  2. Year/Grade completed
  3. Year/Grade promoted to
  • School curriculum
  • Principal signature and school stamp

If transferred from a school within the GCC (GCC Countries- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman) or from another UAE Emirate, transfer certificate must be attested by the Ministry of Education.

Children coming from countries other than USA, Australia, Canada, Western Europe, Japan and New Zealand should have the original Transfer Certificate (TC) attested by:

  • Educational Authorities (from country of TC origin),
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from country of TC origin)
  • UAE Embassy (from country of TC origin).

Please note, as per the KHDA mandate, the following criteria need to be adhered to and an undertaking of acceptance and agreement to the below  is required in order to confirm admission for your child.

  1. Any student transferring from schools inside Dubai shall be allowed to attend classes commencing from September of the new academic year only when the transfer certificate is received from the previous school, and registration has been completed with the original Emirates ID of the student and the parent (Sponsor).
  2. Any student transferring from other emirates of the UAE shall be allowed to attend classes commencing from September of the new academic year only when the transfer certificate from the previous school, duly attested by the Ministry of Education of that emirate, is received, and registration has been completed with the original Emirates ID of the student and the parent (Sponsor).
  3. Any student from outside the UAE shall be allowed to attend classes commencing from September of the new academic year upon submission of a leaving certificate, duly attested by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign affairs and the UAE embassy of the country of the previous school, and when registration has been completed with the original Emirates ID of the student as well as the parent (Sponsor).

Re-Registration Fee deposit for Existing Students

This deposit is payable at the time of Re-Registration to process to ensure a place for your child(ren) in the following academic year. The Re-registration deposit is 5% of the total tuition fees and is deductible from the total tuition fees for the academic year. Please note, this is a non-refundable deposit.

To secure a place in the next academic year, you would have to remit a Re-Registration amount of AED 500 which is fully adjustable against the fee of Term 1 in the following year. The Re-Registration fee can be paid either by cash, current dated cheque, card or by online (transaction charges may apply-1%) using the application available on the Parent Portal

Should you wish to speak with the Admission Officer for further information about the school or wish to make an appointment to meet with the Principal prior to completing an online application form.

Please phone +971 4 379 7732 or email at